An association of Aerographers & Mates,
Meteorologists & Oceanographers


NWSA Webmaster

Member News & Website Updates

AG School Class pictures (Lakehurst, Chanute, Keesler) are being accepted for upload to this site.
Submit to:

Submitted by AGCM Pat O'Brien, USN (Ret)

AG1  Frank Terrizzi, USN (Ret)
Passed February 12th, 2025 at Age 84


A festive gathering of METOC folks enjoyed their time at the annual Coast Guard, Army, Marines, Air Force & Navy (CAMAN) military ball in New Orleans to kick off Mardi Gras week. 11 JAN 2025. Can you spot our hosts for Reunion 48? Hint – A little port from center.

AGC Lawrence D. Cain, USN (Ret)
August 14, 1943 to November 5, 2024


February 2025 Aerograph Now Available on:
Aerograph (Restricted) webpage
Members Must Have a Username and Password to Access this Restricted Webpage

Aerograph Editor's Comments


XAG3 Joseph Lawrence (Joe) Petrowski, USN (Rel.)

August 10, 1940 – October 16, 2024


Reservation Guidance Updated

xAG Joseph Petrowski
August 10, 1940 to October 16, 2024
Details Soon

Lodging Instructions and Tentative Schedule


AGCM Joseph Steranka, USN (Ret.)

January 23, 1931 - August 3, 2024

Submitted by CAPT R. Claude, "Frenchy", Corbeille, USN (Ret)


                                                                  Aerograph Articles November 2024


CAPT Robert ‘Cody’ Sherar, USN (Ret.)

March 29, 1929 – December 10, 2020


Margaret Flynt Sherar

Wife of CAPT Robert ‘Cody’ Sherar, USN (Ret.)

February 18, 1928 – December 15, 2019


CWO4 Giacomo Walter "Jack" Salvato (USN, Ret.) 

Passed Sunday, October 27, 2024 at Age 87
NWSA Life Member #270

There will be a viewing for Jack on Friday 11/01 from 2 to 4 at the Hollomon-Brown Funeral Hme 3445 Princess Anne Road Virginia Beach, VA. 23456. This will be the only service locally. Burial will be at Arlington in 8 or 10 months.  The service will be catered, and I told them to expect 8 or 10 from HRC.  The phone number there is 757-427-6950.  
V/R Fay Crossley, HRC Pres/Sec.


LCDR James Earl Kerr, USN (Ret)

January 21, 1937 – August 17, 2024

Updated Photos


AGCM Ronald Wayne Palmer, USN (Ret)

Passed July 6, 2024 at Age 89


Looking for AG2 Nancy Gibson 

Patuxent river naval air station weather office 1974

Robert Bowman


CDR Richard D Gilmore, USN (Ret)

August 8, 1933 - July 19, 2024

XAG3 James William Northup, USN (Rel)

December 12, 1935 – April 2, 2024

Necrology Announcements


LCDR James Earl Kerr, USN (Ret)

January 21, 1937 – August 17, 2024

AGCS Philip D. Duncan, USN (Ret) 

December 4, 1937 – July 28, 2024


Necrology Announcements

Searching for Christmas Card taken 1957
Supplemmentary Aerological Unit Number One
London England
CDR William J. Kotsch was CO
Howard Chenkin 

9/24/2024...Updated 9/30
AG1 Leonard Derk, USN (Ret)
Passed in July at Age 87
Leonard E. Derk, 87, of Missoula, Montana, and formerly of Shamokin. A gravesite ceremony was held at St. Mary’s Cemetery, Coal Township, for family and friends with a friar or deacon from Mother Cabrini Church officiating.
Click Image to Enlarge
AG1 Leonard E. Derk, 1st Row, 5th from left 

Also see Derk in Command Photos, Midway Island 1964
Images submitted by LCDR Robert Josephs, USN (Ret)


AG1 Robert “Bob” Nicholas Costa, USN (Rel)

February 3, 1938 – September 8, 2024

Necrology Announcement


Latest news on Reunion 48 Redux

AGCM Mark Alan Kalinowski, USN (Ret)

Dec. 11, 1963 - Mar. 14, 2024

YNC Dorothy Jensen Blanchard, USN (Rel)

March 18, 1923 – June 20, 2024

Widow of AGC Earl Harrison Blanchard, USN (Ret) 
Updated with a  remembrance by CAPT Al Atwell, USN (Ret)

Click Image to Enlarge

AG2 Floyd Akers (Standing 2nd Row Left) along with personnel of the Navy Weather Central, NAS Coco Solo, Canal Zone. This picture was taken on 10 March 1950, 27 years prior to the treaty that would gradually transfer Canal ownership to Panama.

Click Image to Enlarge

AGC Floyd Akers (center) along with LCDR Morgan and unknown AG discuss a weather chart aboard USS Intrepid (CVS-11) on 21 June 1962.


The NWSA sincerely thanks the Akers family for donating these pictures from the personal collection of treasured longtime members AGC Floyd Akers, USN (Ret), and wife Joan, both now deceased.


Submitted by AGC Fay Crossley, USN (Ret)


The History of Aerology in the Navy

Navy Lieutenant Frederick J. Nelson, U. S. Navy

Proceedings Magazine - April, 1934

Happy Birthday Navy!

13 October 2024 will mark the Navy's 249th birthday.


A 13 October 1775 resolution of the Continental Congress established what is now the United States Navy with “a swift sailing vessel, to carry ten carriage guns, and a proportional number of swivels, with eighty men, to be fitted with all possible dispatch, for a cruise of three months….”


After the American War of Independence, the U.S. Constitution empowered the new Congress “to provide and maintain a navy.” Acting on this authority, Congress established the Department of the Navy on 30 April 1798.


In 1972, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt authorized official recognition of 13 October as the birthday of the U.S. Navy. Since then, each CNO has encouraged a Navy-wide celebration of this occasion “to enhance a greater appreciation of our Navy heritage, and to provide a positive influence toward pride and professionalism in the naval service.”


"I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: 'I served in the United States Navy.'" - John F. Kennedy


Travel Via the Moon

Letter to the Aerograph Editor

Hello All,

Thank you for continuing to send us the Aerograph. Dottie and the whole family enjoy it so very much. 

A famous filmmaker just released this documentary on mother (Dorothy Jensen Blanchard) and three other WAVES from Albuquerque who served in WWII. 


You might enjoy seeing it. Feel free to share it with other veterans of WWII or their families.

(You may have to copy & paste above link into your own browser to get it to work.)


Regards, and keep up the good work.


Bomi & Linda Blanchard

Weather Reconnaissance Squadron 4 Hurricane Hunters 1970-1971 Unit History Book

Anyone interested in this WX RECON BOOK? Received from one of my AWS contacts. Nothing about WWII in PI. It is currently available on EBAY at following link:


Weather Reconnaissance Squadron 4 Hurricane Hunters 1970 1971 Unit History Book | eBay


Submitted by LCDR Bruce DeWald, USN (Ret)

AGCS Philip D. Duncan, USN (Ret)
December 4, 1937 to July 28, 2024


AGCS Phil Duncan, USN (Ret), Passed Sunday afternoon


LCDR Robert W. Lyons, USN (Ret)
Died 4 May, 2024 at Age 84

AGCM Donald W. Shaver, USN (Ret)
November 7, 1932 to April 13, 2024

AG1 Steven Harvey Shafer Jr., USN (Ret)

Sep. 28, 1941 – Mar. 22, 2024

Necrology Announcements

Click Image to Enlarge
Submitted to NWSA Facebook by Sam Ragsdale

CWO Jerry Lee Barber, USN (Ret)
August 22, 1942 to May 3, 2024
Necrology Announcement


As published by The Naval History and Heritage Command

Weather-Related Incidents
Admiral Nimitz's Pacific Fleet Confidential Letter on Lessons of Damage in Typhoon

Click Image to Enlarge
Naval Officers -- What We Really Do
Submitted by CWO3 Jim Romano, USN (Ret)

Updated Version


Elspeth A. Lloyd
July 13, 1937 to March 2, 2024
Widow of Robert B. "Bob" Lloyd, USN (Ret)


By CAPT R. Claude "Frenchy" Corbeille, USN (Ret)

Joan Akers Celebration of Life

Click Image to Enlarge
AGC John Dungan, Jr.
The FIRST Chief Aerographer's Mate (CAEROG)

Biography and Additional Photos

Ann Elizabeth Latlam
Wife of AGCS Terry Latham, USN (Ret)

Click Image to Enlarge
USS Kitty Hawk (CV63),1979
Submitted by CDR Stephen Schrobo, USN (Ret)

I came across this Christmas card that the OA division on the USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) sent out in 1979. We were scheduled to be back home in San Diego before Christmas 1979 but the Iranian Crisis sent us into the Indian Ocean for a few months. After picking up some helos from DG we then spent time doing circles in the Gulf of Oman until relieved by an East Coast carrier. We finally made it home sometime towards the end of February or the beginning of March 1980.

Click Image to Enlarge
A Weather Forecaster, AGC Floyd Akers?, according to Joan Akers
Also see Necrology Announcement for Joan's obit


Geraldine Ann Langemo

April 30, 1938 – December 13, 2023

Wife of CAPT James Langemo USN (Ret)

Lenore Elaine Semmler

Jan. 26, 1941 – Jul. 16, 2023

Wife of AGCS Kenneth “Ken” Semmler USN (Ret)

Necrology Announcements

Cruises Are Starting To Curry Favor

With Travelers Tired Of Airlines

Travel Via The Moon

Click Image to Enlarge
AG A School Chanute 1986
Instructor AG1 Paul Wolfe
Submitted by AA Robert W. Tyo (standing with girl
on his right and AN Jim Bob Mullins on his left)

Reunion Chairman Tom Berkeridge has requested that all members cancel their reservations at the Town Place Suites.  He will send checks to all those who have sent deposits.

TOWN PLACE SUITES, PHONE: (352) 753-8686

Joan "Nana" Akers
Passed January 2, 2024
Widow of AGC Floyd A. Akers, USN (Ret)


Myrna Ziebell

March 9, 1937 – February 21, 2021

Wife of AGCS Bill Ziebell, USN (Ret)

Necrology Announcement

xAG Tom Lippi


Best Fish Story Ever

Submitted by CAPT R. Claude "Frenchy" Corbeille, USN (Ret)

Also on Aerograph Articles 2023

Revisiting the Benefits of Space-A Travel

Source: MOAA newsletter 22 Jun 2023

AGCS Elmer B. Fondren, USN (Ret)
February 12, 1931 to September 18, 2023

Click Image to Enlarge
We're thrilled to unveil the fresh look of our redesigned IW Community logo, now proudly featuring the new CWT rating logo!
As the IW landscape continues to grow and evolve, this updated logo symbolizes the five core Navy ratings that make up IW. Let's embrace this new chapter with open arms as we look forward to this new chapter of Navy IW.
A huge shout-out to our talented design team for their hard work and creativity. We hope you love the new look as much as we do!
Naval Information Forces

Submitted by AG1 Gerald Gould, USN (Ret) via Facebook

Submitted by Jim Futtner, through Pat O'Brien to Smitty Smith

Service Years 1934 to 1960

By Captain Ace Trask, USN (Ret)

Also on Aerograph Articles 2023

CDR Donald Jerome Schaff, USN (Ret) 
Oct. 30, 1931 - Jan. 17, 2020


Diane Peterson

Passed October 18, 2023

Wife of AGCS Lloyd “Pete” Peterson, USN (Ret)


AG1 William Floyd McMillan, Jr., USN (Ret)

March 22, 1948 – July 13, 2022


AGC David Posey Dunlap, Jr., USN (Ret)

December 5, 1940 – October 7, 2023

Another picture of Lakehurst 'A' School Class 4020
Signatures from Back of Picture Above, including W.S. McFarland and Don Cruse
AGC W.S. McFarland, back row 2nd from left
I was given these photos which include my Grandfather W.S. McFarland (1917-1999), who served in the US Navy from 1934-1960 holding the rank of Chief Petty Officer. He was a Areologist and Meteorologist and served on the USS Enterprise and the USS Oriskany. He was aboard the Enterprise during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Some of the locations he was stationed at include Florida, Hawaii, Trinidad and Morocco. After retiring from the Navy in 1960, he settled in Australia near Brisbane. Myself and my Aunt are in the process of trying to obtain my Grandad’s military records for our family history. 

Whilst conducting research I stumbled upon the ‘Naval Weather Service Association’ website and thought these images may be of interest especially as I noticed that there are no class images prior to 1950 and the date of the class photo attached is 23 April 1948.

Feel free to use them as you wish.

Kind regards,
Dr Margaretha Vlahos
(née McFarland).
Click Image to Enlarge
W. S. McFarland aboard USS Enterprise (CV-6) in 1941

W.S. McFarland graduated in Lakehurst 'A' School Class 4020.  
Finished career as AGCS, USN (Ret)


LCDR Dale E. Grages, USN (Ret)
October 11, 1930 - September 8, 2023

Navy WX Quarterly luncheon at Nick’s Boathouse! Always fun to spend time with friends!
Submitted by AG1 Aland Baker, USNR (Ret)

Albuquerque woman celebrates 100th birthday with service recognition.
By Rick Nathanson / Albuquerque Journal Staff Writer
Friday, March 17th, 2023
Albuquerque woman celebrates 100th birthday with service recognition.
By Rick Nathanson / Albuquerque Journal Staff Writer
Friday, March 17th, 2023

Albuquerque woman celebrates 100th birthday with service recognition.
 By Rick Nathanson / Albuquerque Journal Staff Writer
 Friday, March 17th, 2023
Also on NWSA Project

Submitted by AG1 Alan Baker, USNR (Ret)

The aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) performs a passing exercise with the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG-58) and the Hellenic Navy’s Elli-class frigate HS Kountouriotis (F-462).  Photo credit -Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Michael B Zingaro, U.S. Navy.
Also on AGs at Work


Submitted by AGCM John Buzzanco, USN (Ret)

Travel Via the Moon Article


By CAPT Ace Trask, USN (Ret)

If anyone would like to congratulate our AMS-NWSA Scholarship 2023 recipients,
go to: Scholarship webpage for details

J. William Thiesing
AMS-NWSA Freshman Scholarship Recipient


If You Know the Whereabouts of Any Members in File Above
Report it to Secretary/Treasurer Tom Miovas at:

AMS-NWSA Senior and Freshman Scholarship Recipients
Kelly Neighbour and J. William Thiesing, III

July 25, 1939 to Nov. 9, 2019

Feb. 21, 1937 to Aug. 16, 2000

(Ex-AG2) Dennis Pauly and his wife Susan had the unique pleasure of visiting with Ellen Upton, widow of AGCM (Ret.) Al Upton, at her home in North Carolina recently.  Ellen had expressed an interest to NWSA Historian Tom Hanagan in transferring some weather memorabilia for posterity; so Tom (who lives in CA) told Dennis (like Ellen a NC resident) so he and Susan arranged to meet Ellen at her home and took her to dinner where she regaled them with 'sea stories' of her and Al's lives.  Dennis & Susan were much impressed by Ellen's ability to recall things in such detail as well as her overall spunk and zest for life.  Members of NWSA Hampton Roads Chapter will look at possibly using some of the donated items on museum ship USS Wisconsin while Tom will consider the same on his project ship: historic aircraft carrier USS Hornet.  (Others in the community who have grown weary of dusting their AG 'stuff' are encouraged to consider contacting NWSA - Hampton Roads Chapter and/or NWSA Historian Tom Hanagan for donation.  Every effort will be made to include them for public display at one of the museums mentioned earlier.) 
Submitted by Fay Crossley, HRC Pres.

Not Previously Reported in Aerographs

Submitted by LCDR Dennis Ruth, USN (Ret)


Submitted by LCDR Dennis Ruth, USN (Ret)


Former WWII WAVE Dorothy "Dottie" Blanchard Turned 100 March 18th
Widow of AGC Earl H. Blanchard. USN (Ret)
Submitted by LCDR Dennis Ruth, USN (Ret)

If in the past 48 hours when you attempted to access the NWSA website,, your browser displayed the image above or one similar to it, that was due to a corrupted file in the website. It was not due to a nefarious person or agency attempting to access your computer or phone.  The website is again fully functional.

AGCS Kenneth Gordon Lewis, USN (Ret)

Oct. 24, 1940 – Nov. 25, 2022.
Submitted by CWO4 Chuck Yengst, USN (Ret)

CAPT James Leon Gilchrist, USN (Ret)

Passed away Friday, August 21, 2015 at Age 80
Updated by Aerograph Editor AG1 Steven Smith, USN (Ret)


Includes History of Facility, and Bios of CDRs James L Gilchrist and Neal F O'Connor, USN (Ret)
Submitted by LCDR Dennis Ruth, USN (Ret)

 By CDR John A. Leese PhD USNR (Ret) & CAPT Marshall P. Waters III PhD USNR (Ret) Posted on CNMOC Web Site: May 18, 2023
Submitted by AG1 Alan Baker, USNR (Ret)

CDR James Leon Gilchrist, USN (Ret)
Passed away Friday, August 21, 2015 at Age 80

Rhena Lee Gilchrist

Born 21 May 1940, Died 23 Sep 1994

Wife of CDR James L Gilchrist, USN (Ret)

Necrology Announcements

OA Div., USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63)
WestPac, 1977-78 and 1979-80
Submitted by CDR Stephen M. Schrobo, USN (Ret)


Updated NWSA Necrology and Spouse's Necrology Now Available to Members on:
Aerograph (Restricted) webpage
Members Must Have a Username and Password to Access this Restricted webpage

Click Image to Enlarge
An Aerographer’s Mate uses a AN/PMQ-3 anemometer to measure wind speed and direction on the nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) during Fleet Ex ’90. U.S. Navy photo by JO3 Oscar Sosa for public release.
Mrs. Julie Reese
Passed 16 April 2023
Wife of LCDR Bruce Reese, USN (Ret)

Submitted by Pres. Larry Warrenfeltz

More Reunion #47 Pictures

Click Image to Enlarge

On March 8, 2023, NWSA long time member, Marge Cruse celebrated her 100th birthday.  Don and Marge were very active members of NWSA, pretty much from its inception.  Through the glory years of the association, Don and Marge worked hard to keep the many friendships going well.  The Potomac Chapter and the many functions it conceived were a joy to be part of.  The picnics at the creek, to reunions in the Capital District.  Don took on the difficult job of Historian and would be proud of how it has matured under leaderships that followed in his footsteps.  Marge was always by his side as Don’s partner.  Pictures are of Marge and her beautiful cake and with her daughter Donna and Son David.  She was thankful for the many cards, calls and flowers that NWSA folks sent her way.  Am sure NWSA wishes Marge continued wellbeing and happiness in the years to come. 

Submitted by Fay Crossley, HRC Pres/Sec.

Click Image to Enlarge
Greetings Friends,
I just put the last copy of "Midwest Meanderings" in the mail; however, I am assured by the Queen Bee at Zander Press that I can have more copies made - as many as I want.  How many do I want?  As many as it takes to meet the demands of you, the readers.  Many of you already have one or more copies, and perhaps you have wished you had one or two more for a gift to some deserving soul.  The book never made the New York Times "Best Sellers" list, (but it should have) and it is not available on Amazon.  If you want one you can get one from me.   I have the latest pricing information and for $20 (personal checks OK, no credit cards) I can deliver one to your mailbox.  If you live in Canada, I will have to smuggle one in, but I visit every year.  Price includes an insulated mailing pouch, postage, and the book.

Books may be ordered by e-mail to  or by phone: 920-756-3919 (land line) or 920-860-4193 (Cell).  Personal checks payable to Frenchy Corbeille will be accepted as payment, mail to:
 R. Claude Corbeille                                                                                                                   
446 Ridgeway Drive                                                                                                                     Brillion, WI 54110

The three years include 2012, 2013, and 2014 and all of my weekly "Glimpses of Brillion" are included, along with scintillating tales of hunts and travels, including travel over the Dempster Highway to the shores of the Arctic Ocean.  The cover photos are provided by Brillion's own professional photographer and my friend Dave Andre. The front cover depicts the four seasons in my part of the world, starting with trumpeter swans for winter and clockwise to redwing blackbirds for autumn.  The back cover (not shown) includes photos of Dave's favorites.

The book is purely non fiction, more of a coffee table book than a cover-to-cover narrative, and all of the words and opinions are mine.  Any errors can be attributed to me, but also all of the good stuff.
If you will be wanting one or more, please let me know and I will tally the number of requests prior to putting my printing order in

Freedom Is Not Free
Frenchy Sends With Warm Regards

Click Image to Enlarge
For a copy contact Ed Sawicki at

Click Image to Enlarge
A Virtual Wastebasket of Random Memories

Both Highly Recommended...
Contact CAPT/DR Larry at:

Click Image to Enlarge
E-mails from the Front Lines of the Cancer War


AGC Charles "Cap" Casperson, USN RET

xAG2 Gary Cox, USN REL

Website Advisors & Contributors

Aerograph Editor: xAG Gary Cox, USN REL

Associate Webmaster (Admin): LCDR Mike Gilroy, USN RET

and, All NWSA Members!


Note: CLICK HERE to send to the NWSA Secretary / Treasurer changes to your personal information (address, phone number, email address, marital status).